This project involved me for a long time, for the many details and elements (just the socks, entirely in black fimo, cost me two afternoons of work!), for the difficulties I'm recently facing in putting my hands in clay (I'm often tired and lacking in "inspiration", I can say I have the polymersits equivalent of the writer's block, the pregnancy is not benefiting me from this point of view), for the disappointment that sometimes takes me to see that , whatever I make or realize, the feedback I have in the environment never grows, on the contrary, it is waning (I even thought of adding the hashtag #neverajoy to all my publications, sometimes it would be very appropriate!). But I must admit that I liked very much the finished work and after all my satisfaction is the first thing to count, so I don't give up!
Non conosco la protagonista della creazione, da una ricerca su Google immagini fatta partendo dalla foto che mi è stata data per la richiesta sono arrivata ad un personaggio, Hatsune Miku, di cui sicuramente non avevo mai sentito prima, neanche come "tipologia": si tratta infatti di una "vocaloid", una sorta di cantante virtuale, anche molto famosa...non si finisce mai di imparare! ^_^
I do not know who the protagonist of the creation is, from a search on Google images I came to a character, Hatsune Miku, about which certainly I had never heard before, even as "typology": she is in fact a "vocaloid", a sort of virtual singer, very famous too ... you never stop learning!
Qualche dettaglio in più?
Some more details?
La statuina è tutta in fimo, pardo, cernit e super-sculpey, ad eccezione di piattino(in ceramica) e forchettina(un charm in metallo).
Spero piacerà a chi la riceverà, così come spero di riuscire presto a tornare al lavoro a pieno ritmo, magari approfittando del clima rilassato delle prossime vacanze: che ne dite, ci riuscirò?
The figurine is entirely made by fimo, pardo, cernit and super-sculpey, except for the dish(in ceramic) and the fork(a metal charm).
I hope the one who will receive the figurine will like it, as I hope to be able to get back to work at full speed, perhaps taking advantage of the relaxed climate of the next holidays: what do you say, I will succeed?