I confess that in these last months I have not been able to play with clay, every time I tried, I do not know why, but I got stuck, as if I had been afraid of not being able to create something good. In recent days, however, I was assailed by a great desire to create and, despite the great fatigue, they were born, new dancers, on metal pendants embellished with real Swarovski crystals.
L'ispirazione è la mia piccina: quest'anno ha iniziato danza classica ed è così adorabile quando, come dice lei, si muove "sulle puntine"!
Ora che sono finalmente tornata all'opera devo anche darmi una mossa: non ho ancora iniziato la produzione per il piccoletto che tra meno di due mesi sarà tra noi! Ho qualche idea al riguardo ed è proprio il momento che pasticci di gran lena, speriamo che i dolorini e la stanchezza di questi ultimi due mesi di gravidanza non mi rallentino troppo!
A presto!
The inspiration is my little girl: this year she started classical dance and she is so adorable when, as she says, she moves "on the points"!
Now that I'm finally back at work I must also give myself a move: I have not yet started the production for the little one who will be among us in less than two months! I have some ideas about it and it is just the right time to mess up, hopefully the pains and the tiredness of these last two months of pregnancy won't slow me too much!
See you soon!
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